Claudia Sheinbaum Wins In a historic turn of events, Claudia Sheinbaum, a renowned climate scientist and former mayor of Mexico City, has won...
ByadminJune 3, 2024As Mexico gears up for its 2024 presidential elections, travelers planning to visit the country during this period should be aware of several...
ByadminMay 21, 2024In the heart of San José del Cabo, amidst the stunning vistas of the Baja California Peninsula, the Fiestas Tradicionales San José del...
ByadminMarch 25, 2024Benito Juárez, a name synonymous with resilience, reform, and patriotism, is celebrated across Mexico every March 21st, marking the birth of one of...
ByadminMarch 19, 2024Embrace the Magic of Mexico Along the Malecon theme “Mexico Magico” comes alive against the picturesque backdrop of the malecon. This year’s celebration,...
ByadminJanuary 31, 2024DO YOU TIP GROCERY BAGGERS IN MEXICO? THE ANSER IS, YES! Here is why, Navigating the customs and etiquette of a new...
ByadminJanuary 30, 2024La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). Our peninsula began its settlement approximately 12,500 years ago. The groups that arrived from Asia, and entered...
ByIvan MarquezJanuary 25, 2024Baja California Sur, Mexico, is a land of breathtaking landscapes and diverse ecosystems. Among its unique treasures are the stunning cacti that dot...
ByadminAugust 1, 2023Moving to San Jose del Cabo, a coastal gem in Baja California Sur, Mexico, is an exciting adventure filled with endless opportunities for...
ByadminJuly 27, 2023The Chihuahua, with its endearing tiny frame and captivating personality, has earned its place as one of Mexico’s most cherished icons. Known for...
ByadminJuly 23, 2022